These enterprises provide illustrative examples that business activities and economic development are not separate from society and culture: business in this sense should serve society, contributing to social wellbeing for all. Inclusive development, as evidenced through the examples of Indigenous businesses in Fiji, PNG and Samoa, is centred on this notion. These Pacific cases, and many others, are exemplars of the argument that ‘business serves society’. We conclude that locally-driven development based upon customary land can be a very effective approach to economic development in the rural South Pacific, and indeed a model for those seeking ‘alternative economic forms’ more broadly. This exploration of how customary land is successfully used for business in the Pacific thus helps to reshape understandings of economies in the Pacific and beyond.
A proud moment in Indiana as Congressman Trey Hollingsworth spoke aloud what many of his fellow Republicans won't say: that the economy is worth saving on an equal scale as human lives. He tried to clarify, but the record is there.
I would invite the congressman to be the first one to spend time in a nursing home, working at a grocery store, or in a hospital, to show that he is not afraid to face his own possible death, before encouraging others to ignore the risks to their lives.
business in this sense should serve society, contributing to social wellbeing for all. Inclusive development, as evidenced through the examples of Indigenous businesses in Fiji, PNG and Samoa, is centred on this notion. These Pacific cases, and many others, are exemplars of the argument that ‘business serves society’. We conclude that locally-driven development based upon customary land can be a very effective approach to economic development in the rural South Pacific, and indeed a model for those seeking ‘alternative economic forms’ more broadly. This exploration of how customary land is successfully used for business in the Pacific thus helps to reshape understandings of economies in the Pacific and beyond.