These is no scope for morality in democracy?Is these statements right or wrong? give reasons
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There is no scope for morality in democracy. Democracy allows millions of people to have voting powers on issues about which they are ill informed. So it is very easy to misuse the power. People with little or no knowledge of the democratic process can be easily misled by opportunists. This can lead to the choice of selfish representatives who only care for personal benefit and do not work for the country.
The media has a lot of power. The media informs the people about various issues. It can swing the views of the voters. Numerous election campaigns have won or lost depending on the stance taken by the mass media. Media can easily falsify facts or glorify wrong things. So ultimately the representative who come to power are the one's who can influence the media. There can be no guarantee that the government consists of able and sincere representatives.
Democracy is based on political competition and power play. It leads to corruption because it is based on electoral competition.