They are pushing the car in passive voice
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The car is being pushed by them
In active voice, work is done by the subject but in passive voice work is done on the subject. Hence, whenever we change the voice of a sentence, we follow some rules. Such as
- The object in the active voice is changed to the subject in the passive voice e.g. car
- The verb in active voice "pushing" is changed to "being" plus past participle e.g. pushed.
Learn more about changing the voice from the link below
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The passive voice for the given statement will be :-
The car is being pushed by them.
More information about active/passive voice :-
- Active Voice :- A sentence in which subject acts upon the verb is known as active voice.
- Passive Voice :- A sentence in which the verb acts upon the subject is known as passive voice.
Rules for active/passive conversion :-
- The places of subject and object gets interchanged.
- The word "by" is used before the subject in the passive voice.
- In some cases, instead of "by" the words such as "with" or "to" are also used before the subject in the passive voice.
The pronouns also gets changed during the conversion. List of such pronouns is as follows :-
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