English, asked by Joon111, 7 months ago

They, too, aware of sun and air and water, Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d. Their hands are ours, and in their lines, we read A labour was not different from our own. Questions: i. Who does ‘they’ refer to in the first line? ii. What are they aware of? iii. Explain the expression: ‘Their hands are ours’. iv. Why has war’s winter been called long? v. Explain: ‘A labour not different from our own’


Answered by charan6865


i]   Labours

ii]  Sun, air and water.

iii] Their hands are ours' means that they too work hard like us with their hands to earn their livelihood. It also means that human beings have basically the same physiognomy

iv] The winter of war has been called 'long' because unlike the natural phenomenon of the winter season, it is self-inflicted trouble that not only robs the warmth of peace but also seems unending.

v]  They, too, aware of sun and air and water, Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war's long winter starv'd. A labour is not different from our own. 'They' refers to those people who belong to other countries.

Answered by ArunSivaPrakash

Q10. 'They' mentioned in the extract are the common people who are facing issues due to the war who are being killed and who are losing their family and loved ones.

  • Q2. They are aware of the water, sun, moon the nature this phrase is trying to show that the people who are dying because of the wars between two countries and for their own benefit and the common people are suffering, after all, are humans and exist in this universe and have rights that are overlooked and they are destroyed.
  • Q3. The phrase 'their hands are ours' is trying to say that they are the future and they are the only ones being destroyed without the common people there would be a loss of everything.
  • Q4.' Labor not different from our own' this means that everybody is equal and the people dying due to the war and in war have feelings and are not inferior tan the people causing the war.
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