English, asked by didorevilas, 7 months ago

Thief: - In this great land of Andheri Nagri, my friend and I have be truly hard working honest thieves
All these years we have been true to our profession. And what is our reward? Last night with great
efforts, we made a hole in the wall of a merchant's house, when all his family were away. My friend
peerd though that hole in to the house, when suddenly the wall collapsed (wails louder
my friend was instentely killed. I have lost my only friend and partner. O king! It's the
merchants fault for living in a house with such a weak walls.
King - Fetch the merchants at ones. A life for a live! The merchants must be hanged!​


Answered by nakulkumar2010


accha super good bbnjjjkii9

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