English, asked by maggie1, 1 year ago

things from which chldren can live without

Divyankasc: Hey for ht scholarship!? 
Divyankasc: C'mon everyone is asking this! 
maggie1: yeah
maggie1: everyone is asking .. thats why am too


Answered by Divyankasc
Children like we cannot indeed live without friends..Friends are an integral part of our life.. A person cannot be alone all the time..we can share everything with our friends..They are our support..(U can write more points)

Divyankasc: Not here...By here I mean on this website...Click on the notifications panel...And click on the message icon
maggie1: i just downloaded this app
Divyankasc: Oh..I dont know aboit the app...U explore it 
Divyankasc: About*
Divyankasc: Who reported my answer...Is that wrong...Plz tell me
maggie1: bi
Divyankasc: Bye
maggie1: bye**
maggie1: ttyl
Divyankasc: Ttyl in Inbox!!! 
Answered by shalini28
the things which the children cannot live without is mother ,games , toys ,video games 
good childrens is books................

apparnaraj: i think that thing is mother(for mr;don't know about u all)
apparnaraj: *me
shalini28: s it is correct 
Divyankasc: Hmm..Thats also correct...Many things out there...Creative imaginative.. Unexplored topiczzZ
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