things i should learn from the chapter physical quantities and measurement
The purposes of measurement can be categorized as measurement being in the service of quality, monitoring, safety, making something fit (design, assembly), and problem solvingMeasurement is important because it helps us to quantify the world around us. ... An understanding of the processes of measurement, the concept of a unit, and a familiarity with the tools and common units of measurement, are all critical for students to develop an understanding of the world around them.Units are important when measuring quantities because units allow people to communicate amounts uniformly in a way that can be understood by others. ... Give an example of a quantity that is often measured in metric units and a quantity that is often measured in English physical quantity is any phenomenon that can be measured with an instrument or be calculated for. A physical quantity can be expressed as a value, which is the algebraic multiplication of a numerical value and a unit.Giving numerical values for physical quantities and equations for physical principles allows us to understand nature much more deeply than does qualitative description alone. To comprehend these vast ranges, we must also have accepted units in which to express themAfter Rosemary was released, her memories escaped and became accessible to the citizens. The entire community had never experienced difficulties or uncomfortable feelings before in their lives, and they were overwhelmed by Rosemary's powerful memories.