English, asked by Anonymous, 4 months ago

Things in the parenthesis are the choices...

Which detail best develops the central idea that Remate de Males was mostly uninhabited?

adapted from "Remate de Males" from In the Amazon Jungle

by Algot Lange

Remate de Males lies just where a step farther would plunge one into an unmapped country. ((It is a little village built on poles; the last "blaze" of civilization on the trail of the upper river.))When the rainy winter season drives out of the forests every living creature that can not take refuge in the trees, the rubber-workers abandon the crude stages of the manufacture that they carry on there and gather in the village to make the best of what life has to offer them in this region.((At such times the population rises to the number of some 500 souls, for the most part Brazilians and domesticated Indians or caboclos.))

((Nothing could better summarize the attractions of the place than the name which has become fixed upon it.)) Translated into English this means "Culmination of Evils," Remate de Males.

((Some thirty years ago, a prospector with his family and servants arrived at this spot near the junction of the Javary and the Itecoahy rivers, close to the equator.))They came by the only possible highway, the river, and decided to settle. Soon the infinite variety of destroyers of human life that abound on the upper Amazon began their work on the little household, reducing its number to four and threatening to wipe it out altogether. But the prospector stuck to it and eventually succeeded in giving mankind a firm hold on this wilderness. In memory of what he and succeeding settlers went through, the village received its cynically descriptive name.


Answered by makinseyhendrick646

d is a frpom lof


Answered by troyscrib123


At such times the population rises to the number of some 500 souls, for the most part Brazilians and domesticated Indians or caboclos.


I believe this is the answer, if not i apologize.

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