Think about how we would survive without the atmosphere. Write down a story about how life would be without atmosphere.
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Earth Without Oxygen main content.
Earth Without Oxygen
Oxygen makes up about one-fifth the volume of Earth's atmosphere today, and is a central element of life as we know it.
But that wasn't always the case. Oxygen, although always present in compounds in Earth's interior, atmosphere, and oceans, did not begin to accumulate in the atmosphere as oxygen gas (O2) until well into the planet's history. What the atmosphere was like prior to oxygen's rise is a puzzle that Earth scientists have only begun to piece together.
Earth coalesced a little more than 4.5 billion years ago from bits of cosmic debris. Liquid oceans existed on the planet almost from the beginning, although in all likelihood they were repeatedly vaporized by the massive meteorites that regularly clobbered the planet during its first 700 million years of existence. Things had settled down by 3.8 billion years ago, when the first rocks that formed under water appear in the geologic record. (They exist in what is now southwest Greenland.)