Think about the university you are studying in, and choose an innovative idea that could improve student satisfaction with the registration process. Currently, can students register for courses from anywhere? Will it take time to do this process? Are the registration steps simple to follow? Is there any online help or support available? Next, you need to think about how new technology can help support your idea. Would you need completely new technology? Can the current software system be changed?
Submit a software system request that you could give to the University management which explains the project sponsor, business need, business requirements, and potential value of the project. Include any constraints or issues that should be considered. Please note that the project sponsor is person(s) or an organization(s) who provides resources to support the project and enable its success.
Answered by
Would you need completely new technology? Can the current software system be changed?
Why do we need to replace old technologies with new ones?
Jobs Get Done More Quickly
Newly upgrade.d computers and other devices process the data faster than before and make retrieval of client information (or any other business info) happen within seconds.It will help reduce human err.or, do jobs ins.tantly and save the time which goes into getting things done manually.
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