Science, asked by kala19831983gmailcom, 6 months ago

think of a building.what makes the building stand strong?hust the bricks or anything else?​


Answered by Yashicaruthvik


brick is most abundant and natural material on earth. Bricks have been used for building innumerable structures over many thousands of years because of their durability. ... Unlike other materials, brick is very user and maintenance friendly creating energy efficient buildings, but also performing various functions.


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Answered by UMASK
All kids like building things! Whether we're stacking LEGO® blocks or playing cards in the living room, sticks in the forest, or sandcastles on the beach, we're all architects and builders at heart. Think back to the last time you made something in this way. What was the biggest problem you faced? One of the things that would have worried you was the possibility of your building toppling over once it reached a certain height. That's also true in the real world, where the number one problem any builder faces is keeping their structure upright.

The trouble is all to do with gravity: the magnetic-like force of attraction between any two objects in our universe. On Earth, we see gravity as a tendency for things to fall toward the floor, but gravity always work two ways. If you drop a pen, it does indeed fall toward the floor—but the floor also jumps up by a microscopic amount to meet it on the way! The force pulling your pen down toward Earth is exactly the same size as the force that pulls Earth up toward your pen.

Now gravity usually pulls things straight downward, but it can act in other ways too. Suppose you built a really tall brick wall. We can think of gravity acting on it in two different ways. We can see it as a collection of separate bricks, with gravity pulling on each one separately. Or we can think of it as a solid wall with gravity pulling on the whole thing, just as though all its mass were packed into a single point in its center. The place where an object's mass seems to be concentrated is called its center of gravity. For a simple brick wall, the center of gravity is slap bang in the middle of the central brick.

So what makes a wall fall over? If the center of gravity is over to one side (if we've not built the wall straight or if we've built it on sloping ground), the force of gravity acting down will produce a turning effect called a moment. If the moment is small, the mortar between the bricks can resist it and keep the wall upright. But if the moment is too large, the mortar will break apart, the bricks will topple, and the wall will collapse.
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