Think of some other products that are made from marine animals or marine plants that may contain micro plastic.
From the recent talk by Nadine Kämmer, University of Landau, whom you might want to contact anyway, I took away that the recent results are inconclusive and that methods need to be further developed in order to tangle apart the different interactions playing a role in marine organisms taking up microplastics. You would have to tag the natural compounds with a different signal to that from the microplastics, and then you need a method which at the same time measures accurately the very low environmental concentrations as well as tells their origin apart .. and then , in order to answer your question, you need a test system which actually reacts in a manageable time period to those low environmental concentrations .. In short, I don't think there is a convincing answer to your question yet.
Thanks for your question...
Your required answer :
- Tyres , Mussel meal , synthetic cloth , glitter ,tennis ball amd synthetic rubber are some products that are made from marine plants that may contain micro plastic .