thiophene on heating with acetic anhydride in presence of h3PO4 gives...
1. Tetrahydrothiophene
2. 2-acetyl thiophene
3. 2-phenyl azo-thiophene
4. thiophene2-sulphonic acid
Molecular orbital theory is widely used to interpret the structure of aromatic and hetero-aromatic
compounds. According to Huckel approximation the electrons in the p-orbitals are treated
separately from those electrons which are involved in the formation of the bonds in the plane of
the ring. The six p-orbitals are combined to give six delocalized π molecular orbitals (3 π
bonding molecular orbitals and 3 antibonding π molecular orbitals). Each of the six π -molecular
orbitals can accommodate a maximum of two electrons. The 3 bonding π -molecular orbitals are
of lower energies than the 3 antibonding π -molecular orbitals. Thus the electrons will be filled in
lower 3 bonding π -molecular orbitals first. We will be discussing here the π -molecular orbitals
of pyrrole and pyridine as model compounds of five and six membered heterocyclic compounds.
Thiophene on heating with acetic anhydride in presence of h3PO4 gives...
1. Tetrahydrothiophene.