English, asked by namdeobhagat0, 2 months ago

thirsty crow story gist( सारांश)​


Answered by jeeya41



The story of thirsty crow is one of the best moral stories for children. This story articulately teaches you to never stop trying until you win. The story of a thirsty crow illuminates the undefeated try of a crow. It tells us that crow finds himself extremely thirsty in a particular situation on a hot summer day. And when he finally notices water contained in a container. There was a challenge waiting for him.The story of the thirsty crow unfolds the brilliance of the thirsty crow. It also proves that if you want something so badly, No matter what it is you would get it in the end.


Hope it will help you.

So please mark me Brainliest..

Answered by nayakmanisha126



The Thirsty Crow Story

It was the hot summer days. A crow was suffering from thirst and was wandering here and there in the search of water. But even after wandering in many places, he did not get water.

He was flying too late. He was tired due to constant flying. Meanwhile, his thirst was increasing in the scorching heat. Gradually he started losing his patience. He started to feel that his end time was near. Today he will surely be killed.

Now he was not being blown away due to fatigue. He sat on the branch of a tree to rest for some time.

There he saw that the pitcher was placed under a nearer tree. In the hope that there was water in the pitcher, he flew to the pitcher and looked inside it.

The crows saw that there is water in the pitcher, but it is so low that its beak could not reach there. He became depressed. He could not understand how to reach the water kept in the pitcher. But then he thought that being depressed will not work, we have to think of some solution.

Sitting on the pitcher, he started thinking of solutions. While thinking, his eyesight fell on a pile of pebbles lying nearby. What was then? The crow's mind rang. He figured out a solution.

Without delay, he flew to the pile of pebbles, picked one of them from his beak, brought it to the pitcher, and put it in the pitcher. He started picking each pebble from his beak and putting it in the pitcher.

Putting the pebbles will cause the water of the pot to rise.

In a short time, the water of the pitcher came up so much that the crow could pour beak into it and drink water.

The hard work of the crows had paid off and he was satisfied after drinking water.

Moral of The Thirsty Crow Story

No matter how difficult the time is, one must work patiently and use wisdom to overcome that difficulty. It is possible to solve every problem with patience and intelligence.


प्यासा कौआ

एक बार की बात है एक कौवा बड़ा ही प्यासा था, पानी की तालाश में वह कौवा इधर उधर भटक रहा था लेकिन उसे कही भी पानी का कोई स्रोत नहीं दिखाई दिया। बहुत देर इधर उधर घूमने के बाद थक हारकर कौवा एक पेड़ की डाल पर बैठा।

पेड़ से कुछ ही दूरी पर एक खेत था जहां पर एक घड़ा रखा हुआ था, कौआ अंदर ही अंदर काफी खुश हो गया और जल्दी से घड़े के पास जा पंहुचा। लेकिन जैसे ही कौवे ने घड़े में पानी पीनी के लिए अपना चोंच डाला उसकी ख़ुशी झट से गम में बदल गयी, घड़े में पानी बहुत ही कम था जिस वजह से कौए की चोंच पानी तक नहीं पहुंच पा रही थी।

पानी को देखकर कौए की प्यास और बढ़ती ही जा रही थी लेकिन वह करे तो क्या करे, इधर उधर देखने के बाद कौए को एक उपाय सुझा। उसने देखा की खेत के बगल में काफी कंकर पत्थर पड़े है। फिर क्या था कौए ने एक एक करके पत्थर को घड़े में डालना शुरू कर दिया, जैसे जैसे कंकर घड़े में भरता गया पानी ऊपर आता गया। जैसे ही पानी कौए के चोंच की पहुंच तक आया उसने झट से पानी पिया और अपना प्यास बुझाया।

सीख: प्यासे कौए की इस कहानी से हमें यही सीख मिलती है की कई बार हमें अपने समस्याओं का हल चतुराई से ढूँढना पड़ता है, भले ही हमें कोई सरल हल नहीं दिख रहा होता है लेकिन अगर हम अपनी चतुराई दिखाए तो हमें अवश्य कोई हल मिल जाता है।

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