World Languages, asked by gayathrisowmya2014, 7 months ago



Answered by laxmijain29


The correct answer is -

Number analogy questions will have a group of two numbers having a selected arithmetic relationship with one another. you have got to spot this relationship and apply it to search out the missing analogous term of the following set of numbers. The reasoning ability is checked mainly by the questions associated with Number Analogy.


The candidates are asked to spot and imply relationships, similarities or differences, and dissimilarities in an exceedingly series or between groups of numbers.

An enormous majority of number analogy questions represent 5 categories and thus is solved in 5 steps.

Step 1: try and see if the link between the 2 numbers could be a simple mathematical operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division by another number. chances are high that that the operations will either be multiplication or division.

Step 2: If the link isn't that of one operation, check for multiple operations of the shape (a*b)+c or other operations of the identical fashion.

Step 3: If any among the numbers are perfect squares or cubes or are raised to any particular power, the pair of numbers will probably be having a relationship supported exponentiation. Questions from this category will have the exponentiation function in reference to other arithmetic operations in order that the link isn't directly identifiable. A typical case is when a relentless is added to or subtracted from an exponential number.

Step 4: Analogies may also occur within the style of patterns. try and identify any notable patterns by observing the character of every number. For e.g. 42: 56 :: 72: ? is following the pattern a(a+1): (a+1)(a+2)

Step 5: If the analogies are within the sort of alphabets, determine the ordinal status of every alphabet and identify the numerical relationship so implied. For e.g. C: F :: D: ? follows the connection where the ordinal status of the primary alphabet is multiplied by 2 to get the second alphabet.


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