This error was probably pretty simple to spot, because we printed out the value of final_time and it is easy to see that the numbers were just concatenated together rather than added. So what do we do about the problem? We will need to convert both current_time and wait_time to int. At this stage of your programming development, it can be a good idea to include the type of the variable in the variable name itself. So lets look at another iteration of the program that does that, and the conversion to integer. read above and solve this plz current_time_str = input("what is the current time (in hours 0-23)?") wait_time_str = input("How many hours do you want to wait") current_time_int = int(current_time_str) wait_time_int = int(wait_time_str) final_time_int = current_time_int + wait_time_int print(final_time_int)
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i - k is f deo
in final_time_int u have problems
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