English, asked by hrududeotale1871, 10 months ago

This is a pen ...Find the subject and predicate


Answered by KriteeDwivedi


this _ subject all are predicate

Answered by dikshaagarwal4442


pen is the subject

this is a is a predicate


A sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense; as,

Life is made up of tears and smiles.

How clever Abdul is!

Lend me your book, please.

A simple sentence that we speak or write includes two parts; the Subject and the Predicate.

  • The person or thing we mention is the Subject.
  • What we talk about is that person or thing is the Predicate.

For example:

  1. The journey was long and tedious.
  2. Birds build nests.
  3. A burnt child dreads the fire
  4. Stone walls do not make a prison.
  5. She spoke very boldly.

In the above sentences,

The journey, Birds, A burnt child, Stone walls, She; are Subject, and the rest of the sentences are Predicate.

To know more about Sentences click the link below


To know more about Subject and Predicate click the link below



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