Social Sciences, asked by bhaiii99, 6 months ago

this is a social interest question.. if you know that the parliament attack was done by terrorist . this was done because of breaking the masget . and now the government is allowing them to make the tample.. is it not common that now the terrorism will spread more.. ​


Answered by MokshHanda

Yes It will be more frequent. But, It isn't easy to break into one, without proper authorization. Also The Parliament is surrounded by NSG!

The Best Security Forces in the Country. Which ofc was formed after 9/11 attack. They have 0 failed missions. So the idea that a terrorist could break into the parliament is just imaginary. Not Viable in Real Life.

Answered by itzcutiepie4


The Tablighi Jamaat congregation at Delhi’s Nizamuddin Markaz, from where more than 100 positive cases of coronavirus have emerged, would be a legitimate topic of utmost concern in any country. And it definitely shouldn’t have taken place when a pandemic was claiming lives by the thousands. Yet, the manner in which it was cynically exploited to stoke naked communalism, on social media and TV channels, had a singular aim: to give a communal colour to the fight against coronavirus.

Also read: Dear Muslims, Tablighi Jamaat committed a crime against humanity. Don’t defend them

Injecting religion in a virus

‘Coronajihad’ was one of the top trending topics on Twitter Tuesday. BJP leaders such as Gautam Gambhir, B.L. Santhosh and Sambit Patra fuelled the denunciation parade, warning of a “disaster of gigantic proportions” from the “criminal negligence”. There had been a certain recklessness across religious institutions in the face of the pandemic, for instance even the Tirupati temple was open to tens of thousands of devotees at the time of the Tablighi congregation two weeks ago, but the irresponsibility of certain Muslims has been painted with menacing ideological motivations.

The opening monologue of Arnab Goswami on Republic TV can be quoted here because it mirrored the coverage on most English and Hindi news channels in the framing of the event as a Muslim conspiracy to defeat India. “They made fun of our national effort. They have compromised us all, we were just winning when they did everything to defeat us,” fumed Goswami. “They have been spreading hate against the lockdown and told their followers to do everything possible to defy the lockdown”. There was little doubt that “they” here stood in for Muslims. If it wasn’t amply clear, our ‘super-spreader’ of communal virus helpfully drew an arc connecting the “suffering citizens of India dying in ambulances from traffic jams caused by Shaheen Bagh” for months to “now dying because of the singular determination of the Tablighi Jamaat to spread the coronavirus in our country”. One prominent anchor claimed that the jamaatis were spitting from their buses, darkly insinuating their intent to infect other people.the parliament attack was done by terrorist . this was done because of breaking the masget . and now the government is allowing them to make the tample.. is it not common that now the terrorism will spread more....

please mark as brainliest.....

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