this is brainliest answer
A) papaya is the healthiest food with a long list of properties.
B) it belongs to the family of cariccaceal fruit and is commonly known as papaw in Australia
C) papaya favours digestion as well as cures sunburn and skin irritation.
D) modern science confirms that papaya contributes to the health cause the age old belief
2) a) children below the age of eighteen years must not drive
a. Papaya is the healthiest fruit with a long list of properties.
b. It belongs to the family of caricaceae fruit and is commonly known as papaw in Australia.
c. Papaya favours digestion as well as sunburns and skin irritation.
d. Modern science confirmed the old age belief that papaya contributes to the health cause.
a. Children below the age of eighteen years must not drive.
b. We must wear helmets for our own protection.