Physics, asked by 6698, 9 months ago

This is my holiday home work please anyone can solve it will get 25 points

AIM: To determine the diameter of of a spherical body

with the help of Vernier callipers.

APPARATUS: Vernier callipers, and brass sphere

PRINCIPLE: Least count=

value of one division of main scale/ number of

division on Vernier scale

PROCEDURE: 1)Count the total number of divisions

on the Vernier scale(n).

2)Find the value of one main scale division(x) in cm.

3) Calculate the least count of the Vernier using the

formula L.C.= x/n

4) Bring the two jaws of the Vernier callipers in Contact. See if the zero of the Vernier scale is in line

with the zero of the main scale the apparatus is free

from zero error. If not, then see whether the zero of

the Vernier scale lies on the right of the zero of the

main scale or on the left of it. Read and record the

matching division of the Vernier scale and calculate

the zero error with sign.

5) Place the given bar betweem the jaws of the

Vernier callipers with its one end touching the fixed

jaw and the other in contact with the movable jaw.

Take the main scale reading in cm. Now see the

division of the Vernier scale coincides with one of the

main scale divisions. Read and record this number in

the table. Multiply this number of the Vernier scale's

matching division with the least count to get the

Vernier scale reading. Add this value with the mainscale reading to get the total reading.

6) Repeat the process to get five readings for the

length fixed at different positions between the


7) Record your observations in a tabular form.

Calculate the average of the five readings

8) Calculate the correct diameter by subracting the

zero error recorded earlier.

OBERVATION TABLE: ....................



PRECAUTIONS: 1)The zero error should be noted

carefully with proper sign and taken into account.

2) The bar should be gripped between the jaws firmly

but gently.

3) When the object is clamped between the jaws

properly the Vernier scale must be fixed by the screw

attached with it so that any shifting of Vernier scale

can be avoided.


AIM: To find the acceleration due to gravity with the

help of a simple pendulum.

APPARATUS: Brass bob, rubber bung, clamp with

retort stand , thread, a stop watch, a Vernier callipers

and a metre scale.

PRINCIPLE: The formula for the time period of a

simple pendulum......

PROCEDURE: 1) Measure the diameter of the bob with

the help of a Vernier callipers correctly and calculate

its radius and record.

2) Tie the bob with one end of a silk thread about

120 cm in length . Clamp the thread between two flat

pieces of rubber bung clamped with the clamp of the


3) Adjust the length of the thread from rubber bung to

the base of the hook of the bob and equal to 60 cm.

4) Calculate the effective length of the pendulum. L=

length of the thread+ radius of the bob+hook length

5) Keep the base of the stand near the edge of the

table top and let the bob be hung from the side easily.

6)Pull the bob a little aside keeping the string taugh

and release. The bob will start oscillating about its

mean position.

7) By the help of a stop watch measure the time of 20


8) Calculate the time period T and square of T up to 3

significant figures and record in your table.

9) Repeat this experiment for four more lengths of the

thread . Calculate T and square of T and record in the


10)Plot a graph of L vs Square of T

11) Determine the slope (S) of the line and therefore

calculate the value of 'g' = 4×(square of 22/7)×S

OBSERVATION TABLE: 1) for radius of bob....

2) for T..........



PRECAUTIONS: 1) The amplitude of oscillations

should be small.

2) The time should be measured carefully.

3)The length of the pendulum should be changed

atleast 10 cm to have considerable change in the time


4) All the calculations must be correct up to three

significant figures.

5) The experiment should be done at a place where

disturbance due to wind , is minimum.

INSTRUCTIONS: 1) These practicals should be written

in practical file .

2) If file is not available, no need to write but read and

try to understand how to do and write practicals.

3) For Observation must leave half page and

calculation can be done on the left page of the


4) Do not write these instructions in file.


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