English, asked by kartikeya2708, 11 months ago

This question is from All's well that ends well story by shakespeare.
a) Give an account of the history of helena upto the time the story begins.
b) What was the position of Helena in the house of the Count of Rousillion?
c) Explain the plan Helena made to get married to Bertram.
d) Give a description of what happened at the court of the king.
e) Explain the part played by Lafeu in the story.
f) Why did Helena decide to go on a pilgrimage? how far did she go?
g) Explain how Helena came to know about her husband in Florence.
h) Write an account of how Helena obtained the ring from Bertram.
i) Explain how Diana and her mother helped Helena win back her husband.
j) What is the part played by the king of France in the story?​


Answered by jaydenjr


hey whoever u are u suck


Answered by mriduljakhmola


salo gadho kuch bhi nahi hai isme

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