English, asked by martinamili2009, 7 months ago

This question is from the poem Night Mail by W. H Auden.
a. "Shovelling white steam over her shoulder snorting noisily as she passes silent miles of wind-bent grasses. "
I.)Who is this 'her' here, and what does the 'white steam' refer to? Marks-1

ii.)Why does she make snorting noise? Where does she takes the course of journey? Marks-3​


Answered by aniketvermaav44



When I need the text of a poem or indeed to check any poetic reference

I generally turn first to "Wondering Minstrels".

The other day I needed a copy of "From a Railway Carriage" by R. L.

Stevenson.  It was for a music lesson where strong rhythms were being

illustrated under the theme of trains. And that poem of course was the

obvious choice.

Naturally I found it on this wonderful site but was rather surprised to find

that another 'railway' poem Was not in your list. This poem "Night Mail" was

written by W. H. Auden for a film advertisement for "British Rail".

The rhythms and rhymes are wonderfully evocative of the railways in the

steam age and bring back to me memories Of railway journeys on which my

sisters and I  worked out phrases to fit the rhythms we could hear as the

wheels clicked over the joins.

I offer this for the collection partly because it has so many memories for

me and partly to ensure that it is Available when I next need to use it.

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