Physics, asked by ItzRonan, 5 months ago

⚠️ this question is only for real genius. spammers dont even this question ⚠️

if an electromagnetic wave through a medium then its frequency remains same but its wavelength and speed changes

but, wavelength = speed÷frequency

here wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency
so, if the wavelength changes then the frequency should also be changed

but why the frequency is not changing in the case of EM waves in a medium ? justify your answer

pls answer to my doubt ​


Answered by mopadajagannadharao


they both are inversely proportional . so if wavelength increases, frequency decreases and vice versa

Answered by Anonymous


What happens to the frequency and the wavelength when the light passes through a medium?

A light is a form of Transverse Wave and so is counted as a wave. When the light wave passes through a different medium with different density than it’s base medium. It is called Refraction. Speed Equation is (S=D/t) and Wave speed equation is (v=f x (lampda)). Oscillation is the number of times the wave oscillate per one second. Medium is the space of particles the wave is travelling through.

Enough with the intro, when a light wave is refracted. The light’s frequency does not change due to , in simple forms, the laws of the conservation of energy. Frequency is the number of times the waves oscillates per one second. This oscillation depends on the energy of the wave; e.g the higher the energy of the wave the more times it oscillates per one seconds. Frequency is constant so it means that it can not be change. This is because the light wave does not gain any energy (where would it gain??? it’s travelling into another medium; no one is putting more energy into it!)

Therefore… Frequency remains constant

Let’s look at the Wavelength. The wavelength doesn’t change but it’s actually the speed that is changing.

Think of it as this;

The wave is a ray of particles, as it moves into a different medium (let’s say a denser medium) there are more particles inside the new medium. The ray of particles have to make their way through the “sea” of particles of the new and different medium. In doing this, the time it takes for the particles to reach the end of the medium grows longer. Thus, decreasing the speed (from the equation s=d/t)

And what do physicist blame it on??? the WAVELENGTH of course, if the frequency remains constant and there is a wave speed change then what could be the thing that change the medium except the wavelength from the equation (speed of wave is equal to the frequency multiplied by the wave length; v=f x (lampda))

NOTE: The wave direction also changes during refraction, due to the fact that the wave particles are scattered when they move through the “sea” of medium particles

ALSO: The reason we are able to enjoy rainbows is due to REFRACTION. HOORAY! This is because in white light wave there are many different waves with different wavelength, so when it gets refracted the waves refracted at different refraction angles creating a nice spectrum of rainbow colours! But we call that DISPERSION (For Light ofcourse)

So they came into a conclusion that when a wave gets refracted/travels into another medium

-Frequency stays the same

-Wavelength changes

-Wave speed changes

-Wave direction changes


Frequency remains the same due to Law of energy conservation

Wave length changes due to change of wave speed

Wave speed changes due to more/less medium particles to move through

Wave direction changes due to scattering of wave particles when travelling through different medium; more “sea” of medium particles to move through means wave direction have to change because the wave have to change its direction to move through the “sea” of new medium particles

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