English, asked by madhurajendra8598, 11 months ago

This short story revolves around a single important event. Discuss how the narrative is woven around this central fact.


Answered by asit200543

The story has a simple plot and revolves around it. Iona Potapov, an ageing man, a poor Russian cab driver lost his dear son earlier week. A load that he carries, weighing his heart, Iona wishes to speak and share his grief desperately with someone. Thus, on finding no companion or friend to mourn over his grief he tries to share it with every one he comes across. He tries to share it with the passengers that board his sledge only to find how disinterested everyone is in his story. His agony grows and he is thrown into despair. All the while there is one thing that remains constant in the story, the loss Iona suffers and his attempt to overcome it. So, overwhelmed is the old father that he finally decides to go on and talk his heart out to his horse. The horse proves to be a true companion and listens to Iona’s story patiently while munching hay.

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Answered by bulbul1136


The story, 'The Lamant' by Anton Chekhov, revolves around the central idea that the can driver named Iona, has lost his son unexpectedly just about a week ago and he's in search of someone with whom he can share the feelings and the entire event that has changed his life so drastically. He tries to find a suitable listener in everyone that he finds, but fails to do so. Having no resort left, he explains everything to his horse. It was the horse that appears as the true companion and only then Iona is relieved of all the burden that he has been carrying on since days.

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