English, asked by ashubhamj27031, 1 month ago

Those people are busy .( Spot the noun phrase)


Answered by shubhamraj2471

people is the common noun

Answered by 1304vaishaligupta

People is the noun phrase


A phrase is a group of words that work together in a sentence but do not contain a subject or verb. Phrases are often used to describe people, things, or events.


The girl jumped for joy.

The man in the red jacket is my father.

Sentences can also describe verbs or adverbs by explaining how or why something happened.

Noun phrase -

1) A noun phrase or noun phrase is a phrase that begins with a noun or pronoun or performs the same grammatical function as a noun.

2) Noun phrases are very common across languages and may be the most common type of phrase.

3) Noun phrases often function as subjects and objects of verbs, predicative expressions, and prepositional complements.

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