Thousands of tribals and other forest dwellers gathered at Piparia in
Hoshangabad district in Madhya Pradesh to protest against their
proposed displacement from the Satpura National Park, Bori Wildlife
Sanctuary and Panchmarhi Wildlife Sanctuary. They argue that such
a displacement is an attack on their livelihood and beliefs. Government
claims that their displacement is essential for the development of
the area and for protection of wildlife. Write a petition on behalf of
the forest dwellers to the NHRC, a response from the government
and a report of the NHRC on this matter.
plz give me correct answer of that question
Protected areas or conservation areas are locations which receive protection because of their recognized natural, ecological or cultural values. There are several kinds of protected areas, which vary by level of protection depending on the enabling laws of each country or the regulations of the international organizations involved. Generally speaking though, protected areas are understood to be those in which human presence or at least the exploitation of natural resources (e.g. firewood, non-timber forest products, water, .
the petition should be as follows
we the tribal and the forest people have been living in and near the forests for hundreds of years and have earned our livelihood from the forests the forests are our home and place of work
it is wrong to displace us from our traditional homes by doing so you are taking away our livelihood and traditions because we know no other work
we request the NHRC to take up our cause and prevent an displacement from the forest due to the setting up of the wildlife sanctuaries
the response of the government
the government in order to protect the wildlife which is nearing extinction has decided to set up wildlife parks and wildlife sanctuaries and provide natural habitats to the endangered animals and other animals
for doing this human interference has to be stopped and so the triabals and the forest dwellers are to be displaced from these areas . however keeping in mind the welfare of the tribals will be rehabilitated in some other suitable place
NHRC report
the national human right commission gave its report on the proposed displacement of the tribals and the forest dwellers from the wildlife parks and sanctuaries like the satpura national park bori wildlife sanctuary and panchmarhi wildlife sancuatry
NHRC said that the tribals and the forest dwellers have since ages lived in the forests and also earned their livelihood from the forests
however realizing the importance of forest in their lives they have taken care not to harm it or damage it in any matter
they have co existed in the forests with all the flora and fauna and they have many beliefs and traditions which intact protect the forest and the animals
finally they are not the threat to the flora and the fauna and they can help to protect preserve and conserve the forest flora and fauna so they should be allowed t to live in the forests as apart of the forest