three activities showing static electricity can be produced with
Charge can accumulate on an object – either through a buildup of electrons (object will be negatively charged) or through removal of electrons (object is positively charged)
· This charge accumulation – either a bunch of electrons gathered on an object or the opposite, a bunch of electrons removed from an object, is called Static Electricity
· Remember, unlike charged objects attract each other (electrostatic attraction) ex: positive. attracts negative
· Therefore a concentration of negatively charged particles – electrons for example – will tend to move towards a more positively or more neutrally charged object
· An example of this is what we call a static electricity discharge– a very sudden transfer of electrons from one object to another. Ex: You build up negative charges on your body when you drag your feet on the rug, then touch a neutral object and zap- sudden discharge.
· Another good example of static electricity is lightning. In this case there is a HUGE buildup of excess charge, which very suddenly discharges into the neutral ground. This is an example of how a large buildup of static charge can be very dangerous - you don't want it discharging through your body!