Economy, asked by hamza85, 1 year ago

three anti poverty major scheme of govt of india


Answered by Anonymous
Hey mate!

Here is ur answer!

Explain Anti-Poverty measures taken by the Government of India?

▪ Integrated Rural Development Programme. ▪ Jawahar Rozgar Yojana /Jawahar Graham
▪ Samriddhi Yojana (JGSY).
▪ Employment Assurance Scheme.
▪ Food for Work Programme.
▪ Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana.
▪ Rural Housing – Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awaas Yojana (PMGAY).

Hope it's help you!
Be Brainly!

Answered by tanugupta33
1. National rural employment guarantee act ( NREGA)
• National employment guarantee funds.
• State employment guarantee funds.

2. Swarnajayanti gram swarojgar yojna :
This programme helps in bringing all the people of the country above poverty line by organising them into self help groups.

3. -Pradhan mantri gramodaya yojna (PMGY):
This programme provides assistance and support to States by providing them basic services like health , education etc.

tanugupta33: plz mark as brainliest..plz
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