Computer Science, asked by chinmayanayak012017, 9 months ago

Three characters {#,*,.} represents a constellation of stars and galaxies in space. Each galaxy is demarcated by # character. There can be one or more stars in a galaxy. Star can only be in the shape of Vovels {A,E,I,O,U}. A collection of * in the shape of the vowels is a star. A star is contained in a 3X3 block. Star can not be overlapping. The dot(.) character denotes empty space. Given 3 X N matrix comprising of {#,*,.} character, find the galaxy and stars within them. Note: Please pay attention to how vowels A is denoted in 3X3 block in the example section below. Constraints 3<=N<=10^5 Input input consists of single integer N denoting the number of Columns. Output The output contains vowels (stars) in order of their occurrence within the given galaxy. The galaxy itself is represented by # character. Input 18 * . * # * * * # * * * # * * * . * . * . * # * . * # . * . # * * * * * * * * * # * * * # * * * # * * * * . * Output U#O#I#EA


Answered by sidhant014


i am sorry but I didnt understood this question please write properly better if u wrote this question in shorts words

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