three factor for the growth of early cities
In order to function a city must have :
1.An easily defendable site.
2.A good source of water.
3.Good supplies of food from the surrounding countryside.
4.Good lines of communication and a mixture of sea/river and land routes.
5.A large hinterland that requires a centre for markets, religious ceremonies, education, government and the law.
6.Finally good building land that it’s possible to develop fairly easily
Think of the early cities of Egypt, Persia, the Indus valley and Greece.
Some of the main factors that have led to grow of cities are: (i) Surplus Resources (ii) Industrialization and Commercialization (iii) Development of Transport and Communication (iv) Economic Pull of the City (v) Educational and Recreational Facilities.
“Like the origin of civilization itself, the origin of the city is lost in the obscurity of the past” said Gist and Halbert. In every great civilization there has been migration from the village Lo the city.
The first cities seem to have appeared sometime between 6000 and 5000 B.C. These cities were however small and hard distinguished from lawns. By 3000 B.C., there was in existence what may be called “true” cities. After that there was a lull, for some 2000 years. It was not until Greco-Roman times that cities came into existence.
It is curious that the cities in the regions where city life had originated eventually went into eclipse and cities appeared in new regions. After sometime the cities of Mesopotamia, India and Egypt, of Persia, Greece and Rome fell mostly for the reason that they had all been Lied Lo an economy that was primarily agricultural.
In Western Europe the cities became more numerous and the growth of cities kept going on. The nineteenth century was a period of true urban revolution and since 1800 urbanization has gone ahead much faster and reached proportions far greater than at any previous Lime in world history. What are the factors which led to the growth of cities?