English, asked by zamantungwanomfanelo, 10 months ago

Three roles of sport in national building


Answered by Khushi10on10
Needless to say, apart from religion, sport is the only forum that can bring people together for a common goal. It is possible that sport, through the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.), and the International Sports Federations could succeed where the United Nations has failed to promote world peace.

However, to the contrarily, sports has been used, in the past, as a political weapon to express dissatisfaction by boycotting the Olympic games. If sports can be used to achieve political objectives, it is possible to use sports to achieve and promote peace initiatives at local, national and international levels.

Since sports can play such important roles, in the process of national development as outlined above, there must be deliberate plans to promote and develop sports on a wide scale in order to achieve maximum benefits. Unfortunately, this has not been the case, as sport development is marginalized by many nations in budgetary allocations.

In most countries sport is seen as indirectly related to the national development. Indeed many countries do not have a Ministry of Sport and in the absence, the sport portfolio is lumped in with other government departments where sport is merely seen as a voluntary enterprise and luxury most poor nations can ill afford. It is obvious that the role of sport in the national development efforts has not been well articulated and understood.
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