Three servers (S1, S2, and S3) offer the services in a worker-paced line. The assignment of tasks to servers is the following: S1 does Activity 1. S2 does Activities 2 and 3. S3 does Activities 4 and 5. The drying process does not require server 3’s constant attention; she/he needs to only escort the customer to the salon’s drying chair (equipped with fans for drying). The time to do this is negligible. There exists only one drying chair in the salon.
Which resource is the bottleneck of the process?
Activity 1: welcome a guest (1 minute) Activity 2: Clip and file nails (3 minutes) Activity 3: Paint (5 minutes) Activity 4: Dry (10 minutes) Activity 5: Check out the customer (4 minutes) Three servers (S1, S2, and S3) offer the services in a worker-paced line. The assignment of tasks to servers is the following: S1 does Activity 1; S2 does activities 2 and 3; S3 does activities 4 and 5. The drying process does not require server 3’s constant attention; she/he needs to only escort the customer to the salon’s drying chair (equipped with fans for drying). The time to do this is negligible. There exists only one drying chair in the salon.
Round your answer to the nearest whole number and ignore the percentage sign. For example, if your answer is 0.45 or 45%, fill in 45; if your answer is 0.76 or 76%, fill in 76.
the dryer is the bottleneck of the process
Server number 3 is the bottleneck, server number 3 takes the client to the dryer, there is only one dryer in the facilty, the dryer takes 10 minutes limiting the service process to one client every ten minutes.