Biology, asked by kansaraneha8, 11 months ago

three stages by which recombinant DNA technology is carried out.


Answered by varshadakhle

here is your answer.

● The recombinant DNA techniques was 1st proposed by peter lobban , a graduate student , with A. dale kaiser at the department of biochemistry.

● The present day rDNA technology actually flourished after Stanley cohen and boyer (1972 ) could successfully link a genetic coding for antibiotic resistance with a native plasmid of salmonella typhimurium with the vector plasmid and then cloning it in e coli

● Recombinant DNA (rRNA ) technology is the technique of manipulating the genome of cell or organism so as to change the phenotype desirably.

●Following are the basic steps involved in the process.

● Isolating genomic DNA of a donor .The cell or organism from which the required gene is taken called donor.

● Fragmentation this DNA using molecular scissors.

● Screening the fragments of desire gene.

● Inserting the fragments with the desired gene into a cloning vector. so as to develop a recombinant dna or chimeric DNA.

●Introducing the recombinant vector into a competent host cell.

● Culturing these cells to obtain multiple copies or clones of desired fragments of DNA.

● Using this copies to transfer suitable host cells so as to express the desired gene..

hope it helps you. ☺

PratikRatna: well done
nishant0756pbjx4o: Hi
varshadakhle: yes?
loylld99: hallow
varshadakhle: yes?
loylld99: are you ask any question to me and mark brainliest because i nedd one brainliest to change my rank
loylld99: i already follow you
Answered by PratikRatna
Hey !!!

Here is your answer --

When two DNA molecules from different sources join together and inserted into another organism (host) to make a new product for human welfare then the process is known as Recombinant DNA Technology.

Steps --

✓ ISOLATION OF GENETIC MATERIAL - First of all desired DNA in its pure form i.e; free from another macromolecules are isolated.

✓ RESTRICTION ENZYME DIGESTION - Restriction enzymes (i.e; Restriction Endonuclease) cuts DNA at specific location therefore known as Biological Scissor.

✓ AMPLIFICATION USING PCR - PCR ( Polymerase Chain Reaction ) is a method of making multiple copies of a DNA sequence using the enzyme DNA Polymerase.

✓ LIGATION OF DNA MOLECULES - After cutting the fragment of DNA and vector by Restriction Endonuclease, their fragments are tied together by using enzyme 'DNA Ligase' is called Ligation resulting DNA is Recombinant DNA

✓ INSERTION OF RECOMBINANT DNA INTO HOST - Now the recombinant DNA is introduced into a receipt host cell. This process is called Transformation.

✓ OBTAINING FOREIGN GENE PRODUCT - After inserting the recombinant DNA, it multiplied in the host and is expressed as host. These proteins are called as Recombinant Protein.

✓ DOWNSTREAM PROCESSING - In this process the final product is subjected to downstream processed. These processes are -

Separation and purification.

Formulation with suitable preservatives.

Clinical trials to test the efficacy and safety of the product.

Quality control tests.
hope it will help you...
best of luck...
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