through which fabrics are made from yarn write the difference from these methods
There are main two types of fabric produced from yarns which are used for clothing purpose.
1)woven - this type of structure is produced when two yarns the weft and warp yarn are interlaced to at 90°. The up and downs can be designed according to the requirements, however you shouldn't have too many floats.( Too many ups or downs consecutively), threads are always straight, running parallel either lengthwise (warp threads) or crosswise (weft threads). woven garments stretch mainly along one or other of a related pair of directions that lie roughly diagonally between the warp and the weft, while contracting in the other direction of the pair (stretching and contracting with the bias), and are not very elastic, unless they are woven from stretchable material such as spandex.
2) knitted - this is the structure which is produced through interlooping of the yarns. Knitting may be done by hand or by using a machine.Different types of yarns (fibre type, texture, and twist), needle sizes, and stitch types may be used to achieve knitted fabrics with different properties (color, texture, weight, heat retention, look, water resistance, and/or integrity).knitted fabrics follows a meandering path (a course), forming symmetric loops (also called bights) symmetrically above and below the mean path of the yarn. These meandering loops can be easily stretched in different directions giving knit fabrics much more elasticity than woven fabrics. Depending on the yarn and knitting pattern, knitted garments can stretch as much as 500%. For this reason. There are two major varieties of knitting: weft knitting and warp knitting. In the more common weft knitting, the wales are perpendicular to the course of the yarn. In warp knitting, the wales and courses run roughly parallel. In weft knitting, the entire fabric may be produced from a single yarn.