Throw light on irrigation and production technology during the 17th - 18th centuries
A major handicap in discussing the spread of mo(Jern industrial t,echniques in Asian Societies during the 17th und
18th centuries is lack of adequate research on the issues of
technological innovation and its application in handicrafts
and agriculture etcoEven in contemporary chronicl8s only seanty and scattered references have been made. Work has been
sporadic after P.KoGode had pioneered it along with the detailed descriptions of nineteenth cent.uryostill many Indj_an technological practices have not yet been properly checked with earl
lier lit.erary evidencesoThe degree and level of the technological
development during the proto-industrial period is the determinant
of the degree and level of the developnent of industri.alization.
It,therefore. has been proposed to direct critical analysis to
the level of technolc:gy during the proto-industrial phase and
the internal social determinants of technological change in Bengal· during the 17th and the 18th centurieso