throwlight on the nature and significance of political theory.
Here is your answer!!!!!!!
distinction between political theory and political thought, political philosophy
and political science.
As stated above, political theory is the study of the phenomena of the state both from
philosophical as well as empirical points of view. In this context, certain similar terms are also
used such as political thought, political philosophy, political science. Although all of them are
concerned with explaining the political phenomena, yet political theory is distinct from them.
The distinction of political theory from other terms is as follows.
political theory and political thought
It is generally believed that political thought is the general thought comprising of theories and
values of all those persons or a section of the community who think and write on the day-do-day
activities, policies and decisions of the state, and which has a
bearing on our present living. These persons can be philosophers, writers, journalists, poets,
political commentators etc. Political thought has no ‘fixed’ form and can be in the form of
treatise, speeches, political commentaries etc. What is important about political thought is that it
is ‘time bound’ since the policies and programmes of the governments change from time to time.
Thus we have Greek thought or Roman thought of ancient period or the political thought of the
medieval ages.7 Political theory, on the other hand, is the systematic speculation of a particular
writer who talks specifically about the phenomena of the state. This speculation is based on
certain hypothesis which may or may not be valid and may be open to criticism. Theory provides
a model of explanation of political reality as is understood by the writer. As such there can be
different political theories of the same period. Also, political theory is based on certain
discipline-be it philosophy, history, economics or sociology. And lastly, since the task of theory
is not only to explain the political reality but also to change it (or to resist change), political
theory can be conservative, critical or revolutionary. According to Barker, while political thought
is the immanent philosophy of a whole age, political theory is the speculation of a particular
thinker. While political thought is implicit and immersed in the stream of vital action, political
theory is explicit and may be detached from the political reality of a particular period.8
Political theory and political philosophy
Philosophy is called ‘science of wisdom’—wisdom about this world, man or God. This wisdom
is all-inclusive and tries to explain everything. When this wisdom is applied to the study of
political phenomena or the state, it is called political philosophy. Political philosophy belongs to
the category of normative political theory. It is concerned with not only explaining what ‘is’ but
also what ‘ought’ to be. Political philosophy is not concerned with contemporary issues but with