Thus I entered, and thus I go!
In triumphs, people have dropped down dead.
“Paid by the world, what dost thou owe
Me?”—God might question; now instead,
’Tis God shall repay: I am safer so.
(i) What does the speaker says in the first and second line of the stanzas? [3]
(ii) Explain?” In triumphs, people have dropped down dead.” [3]
(iii) “I am safer so”. What irony is involved here? [3]
(iv) What does the speaker want to say in the concluding lines?? [3]
(v) How does the above extract reflect Browning’s optimistic philosophy of life
please answer all
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Thus I entered, and thus I go!
In triumphs, people have dropped down dead.
“Paid by the world, what dost thou owe
Me?”—God might question; now instead,
’Tis God shall repay: I am safer so.
(i) What does the speaker says in the first and second line of the stanzas? [3]
(ii) Explain?” In triumphs, people have dropped down dead.” [3]
(iii) “I am safer so”. What irony is involved here? [3]
(iv) What does the speaker want to say in the concluding lines?? [3]
(v) How does the above extract reflect Browning’s optimistic philosophy
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