Tic-tac-toe is a game for two players. The board is a square of 3 X 3 fields. Each
player is assigned a type of token (O or X). Initially the board is empty. The
players play in turn and place a token on an empty field. A player wins if she/ he
has first aligned three of her/his tokens either in a row, a column or one of the
two diagonals. The game ends when a player wins or when there are no more
empty fields.
(i) Design the search tree for tic-tac-toe up to level 2. Take into account symmetric game states, i.e. those states that can be transformed into each other by
rotation and mirroring.
(ii) Give an estimation on the number of possible different tic-tac-toe games.
(iii) Develop an evaluation function for the tic-tac-toe game.
(iv) Indicate the value of your evaluation function for each node of the search tree
at level 2. Use these values to compute the values of the nodes on level 1 and 0
using the MINMAX algorithm.
(v) Indicate all the nodes in the search tree that would not have been considered
when using alpha-beta pruning.
Answered by
option (i)
design the search tree for tic tic toe up level 2. take into a account
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