tick sentences that are correct and close out the incorrect ones. 1. people who have scurvy suffer from swollen and bleeding gums . 2. calcium is not needed for strong bones and for the prevention of tooth decay. 3. people who have rickets have a very weak nervous system. 4. green and yellow vegetables are rich source of potassium. 5. anemic people need to have food rich in vitamin b12 and iron. 6. pellagra effects the eyes of a person and cause night blindness. 7. beriberi affects the nervous system of a person and makes her/ him feel tired . 8. fluorine hardens the enamel of our teeth. 9. vitamin b2 is essential for health skin and is found in eggs, meat and peas. 10. eating food that is rich in vitamin k prevents Goitre. ( )
Answer:1. people who have scurvy suffer from swollen and bleeding gums .
is correct
2. calcium is not needed for strong bones and for the prevention of tooth decay is incorrect.. people who have rickets have a very weak nervous system is incorrect. 4. green and yellow vegetables are rich source of potassium is correct. 5. anemic people need to have food rich in vitamin b12 and iron is correct.6. pellagra effects the eyes of a person and cause night blindness is incorrect.. 7. beriberi affects the nervous system of a person and makes her/ him feel tired is correct . 8. fluorine hardens the. 7. beriberi affects the nervous system of a person and makes her/ him feel tired . 8. fluorine hardens the enamel of our teeth is true. 9. vitamin b2 is essential for health skin and is found in eggs, meat and peas is incorrect. 10. eating food that is rich in vitamin k prevents Goitre is incorrect