Tick the correct meaning of the highlighted adverbs which are written in capital letters.
1. "How dare you accuse me without any proof?' he said HOTLY (angrily/calmly/flustered)
2. My boss received my suggestions COOLLY (without/ enthusiasm/excited)
3. 'There is no point crying now since it is entirely your fault,' said
brother TARTLY.
(without kindness/with encouragement/with sadness)
4. The teacher smiled SWEETLY at the new student. (rudely/pleasantly/harshly)
5. "Nobody asked for your opinion,' said Vinay SOURLY. (rudely/politely/shyly)
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ਗੁ ਖਾ ਦਸਤ ਪੀ ਜੱਗੁਜਦਜਠਧੱਢਢੁੱਧੁਰ
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