Geography, asked by geniuskalai, 3 months ago

Tick ( the correct option :
(a) River Nile originates in
(b) The northern part of Africa is a
(ii) Tanganyika
(iv) Albert
(i) Rudolf
(iii) Victoria
(i) A mountain
(ii) A plateau
(ii) Lowland
(iv) Desert
(c) Mount Rwenzori is a
(i) Fold mountain
(ii) Block Mountain
(iii) Volcanic Mountain (iv) Residual mountain
(d) The most prominent physical feature of Africa is
(i) Lake Victoria
(ii) Rift Valley
(iii) Lake Chad
(iv) Lake Rukwa
(e) The longest river in the world is
(i) River Orange (ii) River Nile
(iii) River Zaire
(iv) River Niger​


Answered by prityS25


option 4 will be Ur answer

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