English, asked by vansh21759, 8 months ago

Tick the correct option to complete the sentences. 1. The climate of the city………. mild and pleasant most of the time. (a) is remaining (b) remains (c) was remaining (d) is remained 2. One day he ……… ……… into a hotel in Shillong, a beautiful city in Meghalaya. (a) booking (b) was booking (c) booked (d) had booked 3. You will certainly….... rewards for what you are doing. (a) getting (b) had got (c) was getting (d) get 4. Do you …….. the day we moved the piano upstairs? (a) remember (b) remembered (c) are remembering (d) had remembered 5. The rain completely… ……. our day. (a) spoilt (b) is spoiling (c) is spoilt (d) was spoilt
6. Akbar …… the king at the age of fifteen after the sudden death of his father. (a) was becoming (b) had become (c) became (d) become 7. The criminal …… the place before the police could reach. (a) was escaping (b) had escaped (c) is escaping (d) will escape
8. They …… … all the arrangements before the guest’s arrival. (a) will have made (b) will be made (c) had been making (d) were making
9. She… … her job by tomorrow evening. (a) will be completing (b) will complete (c) will have completed (d) will have been completing
10.Aryan…… his mother in making rangoli in the yard for the last one hour. (a) is helping (b) has helped (c) has been helping​


Answered by ap467909


  1. remains
  2. was booking
  3. get
  4. remember
  5. was spoilt
  6. became
  7. will escape
  8. will be made
  9. will have completing
  10. has helped
Answered by Chaitanya1696

The correct option to complete the sentences will be as under:

  1. (b) remains - The climate of the city remains mild and pleasant most of the time.
  2. (c) booked - One day he booked into a hotel in Shillong, a beautiful city in Meghalaya.
  3. (d) get - You will certainly get rewards for what you are doing.
  4. (a) remember - Do you remember the day we moved the piano upstairs?
  5. (b) is spoiling -The rain completely is spoiling our day.
  6. (c) became - Akbar became the king at the age of fifteen after the sudden death of his father.
  7. (b) had escaped - The criminal had escaped the place before the police could reach.
  8. (d) were making - They were making all the arrangements before the guest’s arrival.
  9. (a) will be completing - She will be completing her job by tomorrow evening.
  10. (c) has been helping​ - Aryan has been helping​ his mother in making rangoli in the yard for the last hour.

The above verbs have been selected on the basis of the tenses of the sentences provided and filled up as above.


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