timber wood advantages and disadvantages
Advantages of timber wood:-
Timber is a versatile material. It offers several different advantages.
I) excellent insulator: houses they are built out of bricks also known to have outstanding insulating properties, but timber manages to surpass them
II) Timber is an elastic material: At the opposite of brick or concrete walls, timber walls don’t need to be very thick. A 20m timber wall for example, is strong enough to protect the internal space against the winter cold, in conjunction with a proper treatment
III) easy and fast to build: a timber construction can be build very easy and fast in contrast to a common brick or concrete construction
sustainable: timber is a renewable resource
iv) reusable: timber can be used more than once. It is easy to recycle
v) price: to build a timber house or a timber construction is cheaper than any other common procedure which has the same requirements or sizes.
vi) weight: timber is very light
vii) Strength: Timber framings are strong in real structural terms
Viii) Esthetic appeal: timber is a beautiful material for both internal and external appearance
Disadvantages of timber wood:-
I) Shrinking and swelling: Timber has a natural ability to absorb water which is also known as Hygroscopy
II) fire resistance: If timber has not passed a special treatment which ensure a special fire rating, timber is highly combustable
III) discolouration: With the time untreated timber which is exposed to the different weather influences it discolours turns to a dark and dirty optic
iv)mouldiness: If timber is treated wrong or the installation is not regulated accordingly, timber has the ability to mould.
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