Computer Science, asked by swathi07061998, 1 year ago

TIME: 21:25/03:00:00
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An Army Helicopter (100 Marks)
The host government has promised that in addition
to the security guards in each match, there will be a
platoon of elite commandos that will be deployed
for extra protection in each stadium for each
match. In order to move quickly between cities and
stadiums there will be a dedicated army helicopter
on permanent stand by.
The army helicopter has to land in city (rectangular
area) which contains several towers (mobile com-
munication towers). For the safe landing of the
helicopter, the landing space must not contain any
tower in the landing space. A helicopter needs a
square shaped landing area which has the side
length greater than or equal to the helicopter
length. Given a description of the tower positions
of the city, you have to find the largest helicopter
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Answered by Krish4321



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