Social Sciences, asked by premshah0, 5 months ago

ethics is an approach that prioritizes empathy, harmonious and
healthy social relationships, care for one another and avoidance of harm above abstract
O Feminist
O Modernistic
O Moral Impulse
O Humanistic​


Answered by atulmishra528528

Because of their impact on salinity, pH, light penetration, sedimentation, and nutrients, large tropical rivers typically exclude carbonate reef builders from continental shelves. The Amazon-Orinoco and the Ganges-Brahmaputra mouths are textbook examples of such major reef gaps (2). The wide (~300 km) Amazon continental shelf evolved from a carbonate to a siliciclastic system during the early Late Miocene (9.5 to 8.3 million years ago) (5, 6). By this time, under lowstand sea level, an incised canyon system directed sediment influx toward the slope and basin floor (7). Shelf edge reef buildups occurred peripherally to this deep Amazon Fan and were gradually overlain by siliciclasts during Neogene and Quaternary highstands (7, 8). At present, the high sediment load from the river settles relatively quickly in the inner and mid shelves, conditioning an unstable muddy benthic habitat with high bacterial biomass and low diversity and abundance of epifauna and meiofauna (9, 10). The region is also subjected to a highly energetic physical regime because of the fast-flowing North Brazil Current (NBC), strong wind stress, and high semidiurnal tidal ranges. Such conditions create a stressful habitat for benthic megafauna, especially in the areas with soft, fluid

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