Business Studies, asked by njfrancis25, 1 year ago

Tina Jones runs the Crown and Anchor pub in Middleton, along with her husband and staff of eight. The riverside pub has a core of local customers, but half of its business depends on tourists and passing trade. In recent years, the pub has expanded its sales of food, and this has become an increasingly important source of income. Now Tina wants to make some improvements to the dining room and hopes that the bank will lend her the money. She is sure that the improvements will increase profits and wants to make a good case to her bank manager. Tina has kept a record of the average number meals served each day over the past two years, and the daily profit from food. Now she wants to do some work on these figures and present them in a convincing way. Of course, her sales depend on a number of factors. Some of these are under her control, such as the menu, quantity of food, quality of cooking and serving, etc. Some are outside her control, such as the trends in eating out, national income, and local unemployment. She wants to include all of these factors in a report to the bank manager. Year 1 Year 2 Dinners Lunches Profit ($) Dinners Lunches Profit ($) January 25 6 900 32 30 2205 February 23 6 890 30 25 2025 March 24 8 980 31 24 2075 April 26 9 1080 32 26 2200 May 27 9 1150 35 30 2315 June 42 32 2625 45 35 2860 July 48 36 3025 51 38 2950 August 48 37 3015 50 45 3190 September 35 34 2490 38 41 2900 October 31 30 2255 35 36 2895 November 30 31 2320 32 35 2540 December 37 38 2960 48 54 3880 Requirements • Prepare at least three charts that display the above information in a way that would be useful to someone analysing the data. • What should Tina include in her commentary to convince the bank manager that things are going well? • Could Tina prepare additional information using the data she has either likely already collected to prepare the above but not shown in the table or be able to easily source from other areas (for example a government department website)?


Answered by Shahoodalam

whsgshhjdgshshzhshshshhshshshshhshshshshhdhshshshhshshdhhdhdjdjjdjdjjdhhdhhdhdhdhdhhshshdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhdhhdhdhdhhdhdhdgdggshsjahwgyshsjskakkskskskwkkekskksksjhhshsjekkskakwkjahehhakakakakskhshajakkakakahshhajskkslskehshjsjsjsjjskakskskskkaksjeysggdhskakaklsejhakajusjakshkdjhsjsjsjsjjjsjsjsjjsjsjdhgsjakalwkdhdjaksjshdhdjjs ki hsjsksksjsyjsjsjsjsjdjdiruududidiisi

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