English, asked by anjumataiyaba090, 1 year ago

tintren abbey annalaysis


Answered by Anonymous


Tintern Abbey” is the young Wordsworth's first great statement of his principle (great) theme: that the memory of pure communion with nature in childhood works upon the mind even in adulthood, when access to that pure communion has been lost, and that the maturity of mind present in adulthood offers compensation for ...

Answered by Anonymous


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intern Abbey Summary & Analysis

William wordsworth lines composed a few miles above tintern abbey.small Download this LitChart! (PDF)

“Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey, On Revisiting the Banks of the Wye during a Tour. July 13, 1798”— commonly known as “Tintern Abbey”— is a poem written by the British Romantic poet William Wordsworth. Wordsworth had first visited the Wye Valley when he was 23 years old. His return five years later occasioned this poem, which Wordsworth saw as articulating his beliefs

about nature, creativity, and the human soul. “Tintern Abbey” was included as the final poem in Lyrical Ballads, a 1798 collection of poems by Wordsworth and his friend and fellow poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

You can read the full text of “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey”

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