Computer Science, asked by ahmadjawad1112, 5 months ago

tion about an ABC organization is given below.
There are 10 employees in the organization.
There are 2 employees of level-A, 3 employees of level-B, 5 employees of level-C.
The information about their salaries is given below.
The salary of level-A employee is Rs.1, 25,000.
The salary of level-B employee is Rs.80, 000.
The salary of level-C employee is Rs.45, 000.
Rs.600 is deducted from the salaries of all employees against staff welfare fund.
If ANNUAL salary of an employee is more than Rs.600, 000, 1% tax is deducted from salary each month.
You are required to write a C++ program which finds

Total monthly tax deduction for all employees.
Total amount of welfare fund collected each month from all employees.
Net monthly salary of an employee. (Level-A, level-B, level-C).
(Hint: Net_Monthly_Salary= Original_Salary- Monthly_Tax Monthly_Welfare_Fund)
Total amount which organization pays to its employees each month.
Also create a menu using (if-else) conditional statements, if a user wants to know about the separate tax collection of Level-A, Level-B, And Level-C employees.
If user enters 1, leve-A employee tax will be shown.
If user enters 2, leve-B employee tax will be shown.
If user enters 1, leve-C employee tax will be shown.
If user inputs wrong number then a message will be shown: incorrect input. ​


Answered by btsxarmy53

wnoonudyeeihjkilkjuicycysjhyxjxvsnnuhhjxuudgcdhguhjhujhat's this I don't know

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