English, asked by 807, 1 year ago

Tips regarding ielts wriiting of General


Answered by upenderjoshi28

Below you will find an example writing answer. This will give you an idea of a good writing answer and what makes it good.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Last week you were on a flight to London. Unfortunately, when you left the plane, you left a bag. You did not remember about the bag until you got to your hotel.

Write a letter to the airline. Explain what has happened, describe the bag and its contents and say what you would like them to do about it.

You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir,

I am writing concerning a bag that I left on one of your planes. Last week on Tuesday 4th February I came to London on flight 78921 Jet Airways from New Delhi. My seat number was L5. The plane arrived late at night and I was tired. As a result when I got home, I remembered that I had left my bag on the plane under the seat in front of me.

My bag is small and made of brown leather with a zip opening the top. Inside the bag there is a pen, a paperback I was reading, some car keys and my diary.

Therefore would your lost property department please check and see if they have my bag and contact me as soon as possible to let me know whether they have found it or not?

You can contact me on my mobile telephone number which is: 01763 953 736.

Thanking you in advance for your help, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Pooja Sharma

IELTS Examiner Uses the Following Criteria to Evaluate.

Please remember that there are other ways of approaching this question that are just as good.

The General Training Task 1 Writing is marked in 3 areas. Let’s look at these.

1. Task Fulfillment:  The letter fulfills all the task requirements such as format, clarity, correct splitting of the message into clear paragraphs, and correct use of language. The information provided is brief and clear. The word limit is also appropriate. . The person receiving it would do what was wanted. Because of all the above reasons, this letter would get a very good Task Fulfillment band.

2. Cohesion and Coherence: The second task fulfillment is cohesion and coherence. These two are interrelated and complementary. Cohesion is how your writing fits together. Does your writing with its ideas and content flow logically? Coherence is how you are making yourself understood and whether the reader of your writing understands what you are saying. The above letter has excellent cohesion and coherence. The first paragraph introduces the subject, sets the scene and provides the basic information. The second paragraph describes the bag that is talked about in the first paragraph. The third paragraph explains what the writer wants to happen. Finally there is an appropriate ending. This logical progression of ideas in the structure of the three paragraphs gives the letter good cohesion and coherence. The choice of words also never causes any cohesion problems.

3. Vocabulary and Sentence Structure: The third task is vocabulary and sentence structure. Vocabulary means the range and relevance of the words used correctly and appropriately. Your Sentence Structure shows the accuracy of grammar. The Vocabulary of the letter is good. So is sentence structure. All the words chosen are correctly and appropriately used with the correct degree of formality. The spelling is all correct. The use of the past tense, present tense, singulars, plurals, punctuation, etc are correctly used.

So, in conclusion, this letter fulfills all the things that an examiner looks for in a good answer in a letter for the General Training Task 1 Writing.

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