Tips to i can top in my xam. 10 boards
Step-by-step explanation:
1)Do not get panic
2)Practice ncert and previous year questions as much u can
3) Solve sample set daily with proper sitting of 3 hours between 10:30AM to 1:30PM
4)Revise and read ncert books line by line .
5)Try to remember points in SST .
#Answer with quality
Step-by-step explanation:
10 th board is not a tough examination but our fear makes it tough
So don't get fear from the examination
These are the tips to follow to top in the 10 th board examination .
1) First read the question paper well. ...
2) Use the first 15 minutes effectively. ...
3)Don't worry about the tough ones. ...
4) Prioritise your attempt. ...
5) Ensure speed and accuracy. ...
6) Keep an eye on your watch. ...
7) Avoid thinking too much about a question. ...
8) Revise your answers.